LEGO D.Va is pretty awesome! Here's a build video I made where I also tried some stop-motion. Spoiler alert, it's hard to do!
And here are some pics!
LEGO D.Va and Reinhardt are available at Walmart & Target for the cheapest price I can find!
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
LEGO Reinhardt Build
Trying out a new style of video for building LEGO. Here's my LEGO Reinhardt build!
Available now!
Available now!
Friday, January 4, 2019
Lithophanes basically look like topographical maps but when they are backlit, a picture appears. They have been around for hundreds of years, but I've only recently discovered them and that they can be 3D printed. So I took a couple of photos, one of the Ghostbusters, and one of myself with Michael J Fox and converted them to lithophanes.
I learned how to do these from YouTube channel RCLifeOn.
The basic process is picking a photo and going to to have a printable lithophane file created. Make sure your Model Settings Thinnest Layer is set to 0.4mm.
And make sure your Image Settings are set to Positive Image.
I then upload my picture, choose Outer Curve as my model, run the program and download my STL file which I then send to my Slicer program.
I printed these at 0.1mm layer height with no support, 100% rectilinear infill, 1 top, 1 bottom and 1 perimeter layer, and a 5mm brim to help it stay attached to the build plate. Obviously, you can play around with these settings, but that's a good place to start. These prints took about 4-5 hours at those settings.