
Friday, September 28, 2018

World Maker Faire NY 2018

Maker Faire is billed as the greatest show & tell on Earth and it certainly lives up to that billing! Here's a quick video recap of all the cool things I saw and a little write up of my experiences with all the amazing makers I met at World Maker Faire NY 2018!

My first stop at Maker Faire was the Prusa 3D Printer booth because I wanted to see the SLA printer they had just announced. I found out about that printer through Joel Telling, the 3D Printing Nerd, and of course I saw him at the 3D printing village! Joel is a big reason I have a 3D printer and if you're looking into investing in one, his YouTube channel is a great resource to learn all about it!

I then stopped by the Artisan's Asylum booth where my friend Jacob LaRocca aka rocketprops the cosplay repair guy let me play with his Chirrut Imwe lightbow. It's still unpainted and unfinished here but I totally need to make one of these for my cosplay!

I attended Bob Clagett's panel on I Like to Make Stuff. Bob's a great maker who makes some really awesome content for YouTube. He would call himself a generalist maker so he works with wood, metal, 3D printing, electronics, foam, etc. The funny thing is every time I ran into Bob, he needed coffee... I guess when you're running your own successful business, you need to stay alert!

Also, a giant Totoro was totally wandering around Maker Faire.

I also ran into Naomi Wu, the Real Sexy Cyborg who is a maker and DIY enthusiast from Shenzen, China. Also a content creator for YouTube, Naomi has a great attitude about making in that anybody regardless of gender or skill level can and should make stuff!

The first ever cosplay prop contest was held in the auditorium and it was so much fun! This is the first year cosplay has had any kind of presence at Maker Faire and I think it should be here to stay. Cosplay is a wonderful gateway into making and learning about different techniques.

The contest was hosted by all around bad-ass JackieCraft, and judged by Cosplay Melee alumni Becka Noel & Dhareza Cosplayza. They did an awesome job and represent the best of what cosplay is!

I also attended a couple of panels given by my friend and fellow maker & PropTart Sophy Wong. Sophy is doing some amazing things like SelfieBot, her contributions to HackSpace Magazine and working on Mythbusters Jr.!

I only found out about Laura Kampf about a month ago when she did a collaborative video with Adam Savage making an over engineered bottle opener. I then fell down the rabbit hole of watching her YouTube videos and just totally fell in love with her work. She has such an amazing style and her videos are so relaxing and zen to watch.

I finished off my Maker Faire by attending the Evan & Katelyn panel. Evan & Katelyn are a do it yourself husband and wife team who make some of the most entertaining YouTube videos I've ever seen. Their videos are informative, funny, and just the right amount of goofy.

And that was my Maker Faire! I'm totally looking forward to next year's event and I keep hearing the Bay Area Maker Faire is even better so hopefully I can attend that one next year too!

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