
Monday, January 1, 2018

2017 nerdy views in Review

As I look back on 2017, I went to a bunch of conventions, met some wonderful people and made some really cool stuff. To showcase all of that, I started to teach myself video editing and began uploading videos to YouTube. Here's some of what I did in 2017.

It was my first time at Emerald City Comic Con and my first time putting a video like this together and I think it turned out pretty good!

CONstruct was a different kind of convention. It was more focused on teaching & learning certain aspects of crafting and cosplay.

Garden State Comic Fest was super fun! And I got to make a video for it!

TerrifiCon was definitely one of the most fun times I had at a convention. I met some super great people here.

I think my video for New York Comic Con showed that experience plays a lot into the quality of it. Having done a few videos before this, I think this one turned out exceptionally well.

World Maker Faire was an opportunity to see makers of all kinds!

I got a 3D printer this year, and I did some very short videos of some batarangs I finished.

I finished off the year with something different. I edited a 1 minute video of how I repainted a toy gun, and I will hopefully be doing more videos like this in 2018.

Truth be told, I have footage from 3 other conventions that never got edited together, so I'm hoping to finish those in 2018.

If you're interested in seeing more, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Here's to making some awesome things in 2018!

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