
Thursday, October 19, 2017

World Maker Faire NYC 2017

Maker Faire is billed as the greatest show and tell on Earth. I certainly saw my share of awesome stuff! Here's a recap of all the 3D printing, robots and makers I saw at World Maker Faire NYC 2017!

World Maker Faire

Bob Clagett

Joel Telling

Thursday, October 12, 2017

New York Comic Con 2017

I have a love / hate relationship with New York Comic Con. I think the venue is inadequate for the tons of people that go, it's hard to get to, and there's nothing else really around there to do. But despite those things, I always come away from the convention having had a great time. And that is due mostly to the amazing people I get to meet. So here's some of the awesome cosplay that I saw at New York Comic Con this year!

Thanks to the following cosplayers!


C&K Cosplay


Dan Hoffman


Linh Tran


The Real Ghostbusters of New Hampshire

Wild Card Cosplay

Evan Laws



Jonny Ruckus

Liz Mooney


Raf Bucky Barnes

Dragon Daddy Cosplays

NYC Ghostbusters

Eric Teneza

Mink the Satyr

Mae Mae Twin




Soni Aralynn

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

3D Printed Batarang

A little over a year ago, I made a batarang out of foam. Looking to up my propmaking game, I just recently purchased a 3D printer and decided to 3D print one.

This particular model is from and you can get the model here.

While 3D printing is great at making props like this and it looked fine right off the printer, I still wanted it to look better. A little sanding to get rid of the 3D print lines, some black spray paint, and some silver dry brushing and it's looking pretty good! Below you can see how it looked off the printer.

It prints in 4 pieces because the batarang is designed to open and close.

And here's a little video of it.