
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Sir Botsalot Model Kit Project

Recently Bill Doran from Punished Props designed a robot resin model dubbed "Sir Botsalot." He partnered with Level 52 Studios to help produce a limited run of these kits and I was lucky enough to snag one. 

This is an unfinished kit but luckily, Bill has a tutorial video which I pretty much followed in order to paint and finish my kit.

First, sanding. There's a seam line down the side of the model and on top of the head where the mold separates. This was sanded down first with a needle file, then some 400 grit sandpaper.

The whole model was also slightly sanded with a Scotch Brite pad to prep for paint.

Holes were drilled into the model and mounted on finishing nails to a board to make painting easier.

Primed with Rust-Oleum flat grey primer.

And then I used this metallic paint to get a shiny, metal texture.

And then a few coats of Testors Aztek pearl blue airbrush paint.

Masked off some sections with blue painters tape, and used Testors Aztek metallic copper airbrush paint for the accents.

Take off the painters tape and look at those clean lines! ;)

First assembly and Sir Botsalot is looking snazzy!

Painted his eyes red, and weathered him with some black and brown acrylic paint. I also drybrushed him with some black paint.

A closer look.

Different angle.

And another angle. The arms were superglued in BTW.

This guy was super fun to paint.

I luckily got to hang out with Bill Doran for a bit this past weekend and he signed my Sir Botsalot!

And he also gave me this tip to light him from the bottom so the orange rocket exhaust glows, so here's a look at what that would look like. I'm using an LED puck and some foam as a base.

This was my first time painting a resin model kit, and hopefully it won't be my last!

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