
Monday, September 15, 2014

Mockingjay Part 1 First Trailer

The last couple of months we've seen some propaganda-like videos with President Snow talking, and a teaser trailer for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1. Now we're finally getting a full trailer to the upcoming movie and here it is.

And now let's breakdown this trailer...

"I never wanted any of this. I never wanted to be in the games. I just wanted to save my sister."

"And keep Peeta alive."

And President Snow responds, "It's the things we love most that destroy us." Zing!

Katniss playing around with an arrow.

Jeffrey Wright returns as Beetee, the male tribute from District 3.

Conference meeting with Plutarch Heavensbee and President Alma Coin, played by the late Philip Seymour Hoffman and Julianne Moore. Seriously, some of the names of these characters are going to be in the NFL someday.

Effie Trinket dressing up Katniss with her Mockingjay pin, dressed in a much less ostentatious outfit than we're used to.

Katniss approves.

That's a lot of missiles. It's like they're going to war or something...

Thor's younger brother tests out some new arrows.

They're explosive!

Katniss Everdeen or Snake Eyes?

Armed guards...

...gunning down a bunch of people running at them.

An important message from Peeta Mellark.

Holy Crap! Peeta's ALIVE?!?

Woody Harrelson has come a long way since Woody Boyd on Cheers.

Peeta sits down for a chit-chat with Caesar Flickerman played by Stanley Tucci, who's great in everything except Transformers 4.

Plutarch and Alma get an ultimatum from Katniss.

Rescue Peeta or find another Mockingjay...

Katniss looks worried.

Finnick Odair looks worried too.

That's a prim rose you've got there Katniss... Sorry, horrible joke...


Cressida looks worried too. Let's just say everyone in this movie looks worried.

I'm guessing something bad just happened.

What is this, The Hunger Games or the Walking Dead?

Explosive arrows are awesome...

The Hunger Games: Mockinjay Part 1 opens November 21st.

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