
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day of the Doctor LEGO Stop Motion

The Ninth Doctor would call this "Fantastic!" It's a very clever LEGO stop motion of Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor. It's only a little over 5 minutes worth of footage but it captures all the major points of the special. Plus, chances are if you're watching this, you already know the story so the LEGO-ness of this is just something fun to watch! Now how about we get an official Doctor Who LEGO set and/or video game?!?

1 comment:

  1. The "Day of the Doctor LEGO Stop Motion" video is a creative masterpiece, blending iconic storytelling with playful animation. It's amazing to see how intricate scenes can be brought to life with LEGO, much like how online assignment help can bring clarity and structure to your academic work, turning complex tasks into engaging, manageable projects.
