
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Star Wars Casting: Who Are These People?!?

The Internet went bonkers when this picture of the cast of the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII came out. And now we have an idea of who's going to be in the film, but outside of the original cast, we don't know who anyone is playing. We all know Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, and Kenny Baker are returning. But who the hell are those other people?!?

John Boyega is a British-Nigerian actor whom I've never heard of. He starred in a movie called Imperial Dreams earlier this year, so maybe he's part of the Empire? Yeah, that was a bad joke... :P 

Daisy Ridley is the only female on the noob list and is so unknown she doesn't even have a Wikipedia page. And she actually only just joined twitter today! We only know she's British and has been on several BBC TV shows.

Adam Driver is best known for his role on the HBO show Girls and is reportedly playing the villain. Kinda fitting since he is a grade A douche-bag on Girls.

I've seen Oscar Isaac as the bad guy in the god awful Sucker Punch and as the guy in the cabin in The Bourne Legacy. But if you're more cultured than I am, you may have seen him in the extremely well reviewed Inside Llewyn Davis

Andy Serkis is in this movie! For nerds, probably the most popular name on this list. For the rest of you, you may never have seen him act since he's famous for doing motion capture performances, most notably Gollum from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, King Kong, and Caesar from Rise of the Planet of the Apes. The question is will he actually be seen in this film, or will it be a motion captured performance? 

I only know Domhnall Gleeson through his portrayal of Bill Weasley in the last two Harry Potter films. Outside of that, no idea what else he's been in. He's got the long hair look down to play a Jedi though.

And lastly, Max von Sydow! Ming the Merciless himself! Probably the most famous name on this list with a career stretching back more than 60 years. If you don't know who he is, I probably can't help you. You're too far gone. Think he might be a villain the way Christopher Lee was in the prequels? Well if he is, I hope he has a better name than Count Dooku.

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