
Monday, April 28, 2014

Justice League in 2018?

Left to right: Henry Cavill (Superman), Ben Affleck (Batman), Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman), Ray Fisher (Cyborg)

Wait, aren't we technically getting a Justice League movie in 2016 with Batman vs. Superman?!? I mean it's already jam packed with the actors above. In an article at the Wall Street Journal Speakeasy Blog, Warner Bros. president of worldwide production Greg Silverman said there are plans for a Justice League movie which won't hit theaters before 2018. And Zack Snyder will be back to direct it.

So that makes 3, count em THREE movies in the DC universe in 6 years? Meanwhile, Marvel will have had at least double that. At the snail's pace DC movies are coming out, maybe they need to get the Flash involved somehow to speed up production.

With Zack Snyder returning to direct, there will at least be some continuity in the visual style which was actually pretty good in Man of Steel. But if the storytelling remains in its disjointed flashback style, and maintains its heavy handed feel, what good is a beautiful movie if it's simply no fun to watch?

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